Monday, October 27, 2014

Different Dreams Part 1

Whatever image is used to inspire the dreamer is the one which is probably going to warn him more certainly than any other. 

No two people being ever in the same state at the same time, the same images would hardly pass on identical impressions neither will the same dream be as successful in all cases of business or love with the same dreamer. 

A man's dream discernment wavers, much as it does in waking hours. You fail to locate the same fragrance in the rose at all occasions, however the same impacts apparently encompass you and thus it is that different dreams must be used for different people to pass on the same meaning. 

Creation, certain of her power to consummate her structures, does not depend on that monotony in her work, which may result were the impression of man, or the petals and fragrance of flowers cast from one stereotyped form of knowledge, beauty or sweetness. This variety of plan goes through all creation. 

You think you have identical dreams, yet there is always some variation, regardless of whether it be something dreamed immediately finished. Nature is no sluggard and is always changing her mixes, so that there will undoubtedly be change in the details even of dreams. This change would not materially affect the approach of happiness or distress in different individuals, and thus the same dreams are reliable for all. 

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