Sunday, November 3, 2013

Analysis of Embracing Love in dreams

This really isn't a sex dream at all, however I have dreamt twice this week of embracing (long embrace) a tall, gorgeous, shirtless man. I cannot see his face and I trust it was a different man in each dream. I vaguely recall talking to the men, however never leaving the embrace, just my head laying on a marvelous bare chest. 

Lauri: Ha! Your dream helps to remember one of my ongoing dreams where my husband, Joe Jonas and I all were engaged in a long and cherishing embrace! In any case, enough about me. To embrace in a dream means you have embraced something new in waking life, for example, another attitude, another behavior, another conclusion, and so forth. My wager is that you have embraced your "male" side. Being assertive, making a few bucks, taking a simple approach to life are all viewed as masculine or yang qualities. Whereas, affectability, creativity and sustaining are viewed as female or yin qualities. 

Naturally, your dreaming psyche will introduce these qualities to you as a man or woman with the end goal to demonstrate to you how well or how inadequately you are using your yin and your yang. You have embraced yours and are apparently very pleased with yourself in waking life since you were so attracted to him in the dream. How have you asserted yourself lately? Like his studly, shirtless torso, did you get something out into the open? Did you say it like it is and did that work out well for you? All signs appear to point to YES! Keep it up sista! Don't let the fear of being called the B word keep you down. 

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