Monday, February 13, 2017

Explaining Clairaudient Dreams

 Clairaudient Dreams: These dreams include hearing voices or sounds that are to a great degree particular and clear. The voices appear from out of no where. Once in a while you do not know the wellspring of the voice or the sounds. It is important to pay attention to the message. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Rita Saw Husband in Dream - Dream Prediction

Rita revealed to her husband her dream immediately after waking. When she saw the report early in the day paper about activity saw at Mount St. Helens she thought about whether she had tuned into the news—which would be an example of dream clairvoyance (or telepathy) rather than precognition. However she had a profound certainty inside herself that what she had witnessed was going to. Weeks passed, and there were no further reports from Mount St. Helen's. 

Then about multi month after the dream, Rita's husband came to her and said, "Your volcano has emitted!: What made the occasion proof of precognition came in the newspapers the following day. One of the accounts related the locating of lightning at the highest point of the volcano before its emission, and Rita could never have anticipated that that would happen from her waking learning of volcanoes. The researcher in her was finally satisfied she had dreamed an explicit occasion before it occurred. 

As she went on checking her dreams for looks of things to come, she saw many increasingly that anticipated situations at a distance in which there appeared to be nothing she could do to affect the result. Some included tragedies like plane crashes; some anticipated trivial or senseless occurrences like the report of an elephant escaping from the London zoo. 

Be that as it may, she always remembered her companion's dream "rehearsal" that had saved her life. She scanned her dreams for the early warnings we can use to change the future, to encourage ourselves, our friends and family, and others as we build up our ability to tune into this early warning framework that never close down. 

Are your DreamMoods Alphabetizing fortune telling

Lets face it on our faces, sometimes we tend to look at things in different perspectives, there are people that are superstitious, some a...